Talking about Wrinkles, as we age there is no doubt that wrinkles and lines begins to appear, truly some persons tend to age faster than others , Early aging and wrinkling is usually a thing of concern to many individual especially women. Our lifestyle, food choices, emotional life and several other factors play key role in all of these. If you take exercising lightly especially as you age, if you ignore exercising especially walking, no doubt you will age faster.
The good news however is that nature has provided means to assist us and reduce the appearing of wrinkles and other signs of aging. Many resort to various cosmetics such as cleansers, lightning creams and lotions and facial masks, while a good number of people are turning to nature. They are choosing essential oils,
What are Essential Oils?
According to WebMD " They are made from parts of certain parts parts plants like leaves, herbs, barks, and rinds. Makers use different methods to concentrate them into oils. You may add them to vegetable oils, creams, or bath gels. Or you might smell them, rub them on your skin, or put them in your bath. Some research shows that they can be helpful"
Essential oils are tend to be more concentrated, and powerful than regular oils due to their mode of extraction and production. If you want to venture into the world of essential oils, it is best to do more study first and start with simpler oils. Most essential oils are best for aromatherapy, massage or inhaling through steam and direct from the bottle.
Another important fact worthy of note about essential oils is that most times, you need a carrier oil like coconut oil, olive oil and others to work with due to their high concentration, some are not safe to be applied directly to the skin while some are mild and may not cause irritation even when used directly on the skin. skin. Essential oils are also very effective in managing ailments especially among the elderly, I have personally found some of them quite interesting and useful during some distressing moments. They also form part of my body lotion and cream lotion for delaying wrinkles and reducing other signs of aging.
Here are my 6 Top Essential Oils for Wrinkles
1. Lemon Essential Oil
I love this essential oil, it is part of my lotion for face and body to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and honestly, it is working. My combination is Cold Pressed Coconut oil, with my own home made lemon oil, then add Shea Butter.
Coconut Oil about 50%
Lemon Oil about 20%
Shea butter about 30%
All are mixed together in a container and used to nourish my skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines. The result is obvious. The store bought essential oil is also in my anti wrinkle kit.
Lemon oil is known for its vitamin C content and a potential immune booster, It is a calminative too, helps reduce free radical activity and induces peaceful sleep as it also helps improve circulation.
It is however best to use at night, usually most citrus essential oils are not friendly with sun exposure especially if your are fair skinned. If there is hot sunshine it is better to suspend your lemon oil for the night as it may cause sun burn. I use mine when the weather is cool during the day and sometimes at night.
2. Sandalwood Essential Oil
This another aromatic oil, I use this oil in my own home made liquid bathing soap which comprising African black soap, honey, lemon oil and sandal wood oil and its great on the skin and gives a good aroma to the soap. It is great in regenerating the cells and causing new cells growth. In this way, dead skin cells and gradually removed and replaced with new cells making you more youthful instead of aging faster. Sandal wood oil contains anti oxidants that facilitate the quick regrowth of cells and smoothing the skin to look younger Just considering adding to one of my lotions.
You can also combine 6 drops of sandalwood essential oil and half cup of argan oil, and 6 drops of Geranium Oil in a container. Apply the mixture to your face in the morning and at night to get you a glowing and wrinkle free face.
3. Lavender Essential Oil
This is another aromatic oil that serves many purposes and one of the easiest and very friendly too. It is good for hair and skin and helps me sleep when stress level is high. It helps reduce pain and calms the nerves. Recently, I observed that this oil possesses ingredients that tend to calm blood pressure, so I went ahead to use part of the this oil about 5 drops in olive oil with avocado essential oil which when applied to the body, helps reduce inflammation and calm down nerves and the result was a drop in blood pressure of an elderly man of 58 yrs. You may try it and let us know your findings whether it works for you too.
It works well with coconut oil for hair, helps the hair grow faster, keeps dandruff and hair lies off and keeps your hair smelling fresh. It fights acne and reduce wrinkles as well. I mix it with both my hair cream and body lotion as well.
4. Rose Essential Oil
This essential oil is also quite interesting to me. I use it alone when tired and want to keep calm and sleeping. It is best when you are stressed, with likely hood of inflammations and bacteria attack. When used as a body deodorant, it works all over, reducing aching too, keep you calm and happy, you feel drowsy. It is good to try this oil. It is quite versatile. Helps fight depression and kills pains wherever it is located.
Rose essential oil is not part of the oils in my body lotions. I prefer using this oil along as a deodorant to keep me calm and reduce wrinkles on the face during social outing while keeping you well scented. The oil is particularly effective for skin cell renewal. It is good to try this oil and tell us your experience too. The fact that it reduces inflammations can help reduce puffiness under the eyes too. It is one of my favourite oils.
5. Rosemary Essential Oil
Another useful oil with antibacterial, antifungal and anti inflammatory properties that helps fight wrinkles is Rosemary oil. It is great for circulation and merely inhaling this oil works wonders for me. Always cover your rosemary oil tightly close after use. The essential oil is great when mixed with coconut oil, just about 4 drops in your cold pressed coconut oil say 5 mls will give you result
It is known for its distinct flavour and antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. It may reduce or prevent wrinkles by preventing free radicals from breaking down the skin elasticity.
6. Mint Essential Oil
This oil is popular and versatile too, helping to eliminate toxins, stir up stomach acid and keep you feeling and looking fresh is one reason, It is aways in cupboard. It moves your bowel even by merely inhaling it, steam inhalation helps remove mucus and phlegm in the chest and stop inflammations. One reason I include this is because of its effect in the bowel, when the toxins are out, the result is a beautiful, youthful and wrinkle free skin.
If you are new to essential oils, always get as much information as you can, and do a test first before using the oil in large amount.
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