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Wednesday, 5 February 2025

7 powerful antiviral herbs to help protect us from the flu and viruses including coronavirus


In case you cannot stand to eat it, get the organic purple garlic and eat it like candy, and for viral infections on the skin you can pulp raw garlic and wrap it in a gauze, At other times, I put them under my feet and wear a socks to keep me away from cold while I sleep.


This one has an active compound called cineole, which a common ingredient found as a compound of cough syrups. This plant eucalyptus is an amazing antiviral and decongestant so its function is to help in fighting the cold while also eliminating congestion and reducing the inflammation. It would be very good that you get the eucalyptus essential oil and put it in a diffuser in order to make it airborne for treating your respiratory problems.


This one has similar features that the eucalyptus has and it uses the vapors to treat sinusitis and lung illnesses.


This one in itself contains menthol which is an ingredient that can relax the muscles of the respiratory tract so it makes the breathing easier. Being into a combination with the antioxidant properties of the peppermint and potent antihistamine, menthol becomes some powerful decongestant. This is the one I use most because it is handy.


This herb is also a yet another ancient remedy that has been used in order to treat respiratory tract and bacterial infections like pneumonia.


It is a very useful antiviral and antioxidant, so it is recommended that you take one to two drops of oregano oil and more, you can mix it in a glass of water or juice. What I like is doing most times is to add the dried leaves to other of my tea choices to increase antioxidant. This herb is full of nutrients and also with vitamins.


Another tiny but powerful antiviral herb you can add to your teas and even cooking. I like to add it to my zobo drink with ginger to make a, warming delicious and health benefiting drink.

 Food is our medicine, but moderation is the rule.

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

4 Ways Our Mood Affects our Health


Our Mood and emotions  affects our health in a lot of ways.   These moods originates or are given birth by situations and circumstances in our individual lives which may not be known to others. How we feel overtime is reflected in our overall health and it is for this reason we must ensure that we are always happy  and try as much as possible to maintain a stable emotion because our immune system takes  record of all the activities whether outsiders and other external forces  are aware or not.    if you are not happy, it is going to make you susceptible to infections and attacks by all kinds of diseases.  

Here sre four main reasons why we must avoid unstable and negative emotions:

1.   It is an injunction given to us by God to always maintain a stable emotion.   The one that created the body that we carry knows how best it will function and so he has given us a manual regarding its maintenance and  inside that manual it is stated that we should always be happy because "A Merry  Heart  Doeth Good like Medicine"  so if you want to be happy, abd  maintain a good health then you must always ensure that there is no bitterness in you because at the end of the day it is you that will still suffer it. 

2.  Being Sad and dissatisfied affects You More Than Others:  We are the loser at the end when we are not happy when we are bitter it also will affects our Health and well-being.  In this regard,  we are the only one affected by the disease.   By this decision of allowing  negative emotion, we open doors to all kinds of ailments,  if we allow it to linger for long then it's going to affect our health at the end of the day and we are the one that will still suffer it.  We should  as much as possible we  endeavour to maintain  stable emotion

3.  It Does not Attract Positive People to us  and we miss opportunities.   It does not attract people to us does not attract favour too, there is a  popular saying that   your face is your fortune when you look moody when we  feel unhappy and dissatisfied about everything,  that wuil make us exhibit negative behaviors. we look sad,, we miss a lot of opportunities because nobody wants to associate or do things with an unmotivated or unhappy or sad person because that person may be affected also.

4.It affects our overall  decisions:  

 If we continue to be sad it's going to affect all the decisions we make in that state of mind.  it shows that we are dissatisfied about everything and that will affect our decision and in a way those decisions may affect other people around us, or we may have to do with. 


 Truly, Situations, Circumstances and current happenings, may create justification in our heart to want to  remain or stay depressed, but we don't have to.   The injuction here is that we should as much as possible not allow any   negative emotion to linger for long because it will affect our health at the long run and we are ultimately going to be the loser in it, Regarding the   challenges, we may turn back to Almighty God our creator, He  has already promised us a way out, He already made provision for that circumstance too.  He is aware of it and is going to make a way for us.  That challenge we are going through, somebody has gone through it,   somebody is currently going through it and some other persons also will go through it so you shouldn't feel that we are the worst hit because of the present moment because no matter how bad any  situation is at that moment, it is something that will definitely change .  It  is only change that is constant so we should be encouraged and admonished by this that no matter how bad or challenging that situation, be rest assured that the change is  is very close and will soon come.  Do not destroy your health because of that situation through worrying and negative emotions.

Monday, 3 February 2025

Your Kidney Present these Symptoms when in Danger

 Our Kidneys and liver are working daily to eliminate wastes and harmful materials from our body.  It seems that while the liver focuses more on fat metabolism, production of bile and several other functions, the kidney tends to focus on fluid.  It is therefore important be alert and understand when the kidney sends us signals indicating that it is in danger.  Do not neglect such signals, early detection and attention will prevent complications.  Here are commons signals or symptoms experienced when the kidney needs help:

1.  Infrequent urination 

2.  Little amount of urine whenever

3.  Problems when urinating

4.  Urine that foams much all the time 

5.  Swollen  ankles, joint, legs especially around or close to the feet

6.  Frequent itching 

7.  Bad or metallic taste in your mouth

8.   Problems sleeping 

9.   Frequent loss of appetite

10.  Frequent muscle cramps

11.  Usually tired

12.  Puffed up eyes

13.  Pains at the lower back towards the waist.

Here are common foods to include in your diet if you suspect kidney disease:






Guava leaves

Omega 3 food sources like fatty fish

Lots of water and other fluids containing fruits and vegetables like cucumbers, watermelon 🍉, apples or apple cider vinegar 


It is important to also avoid highly acidic and processed foods.  High potassium foods like sweet potatoes, reduce crayfish consumption and inflammation causing foods to preserve your kidney.  Also reduce excess body body.

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Infections! what are they? Are there Natural remedies?

Infections! what are they? Are there Natural remedies?


The subject before us sounds more scientific, but we will not attempt to go deep scientifically as, we are not scientists, but I shall endeavor to focus on the following during the study:


1. what is Infection
2. Types of infections
3. How do they get to us 
4. Symptoms of Infection 
Our defence against them -

5. Signs of a weak immune system and what to do 
6. Foods that fights infections 
7. Foods that feed infections
8. Foods that cause Mucu
9. Simple ways to boost your body's natural defense
10 Foods reduce mucus
11. How to stay strong during this Pandemic by including common Antiviral foods that helps fight infections
13. Healthy Body All the Way
14. Summary
15. Questions and Answers

1. What is infection

In my own definition, infection is said to occur when a foreign living organism invades our body in the form of pathogens, overcomes all our natural defencies and deters our organs from carrying on its regular functions/ activities resulting in disease.

2. Types of Infection

There are four most common types of infections, namely:

Viral infections. (Viruses are very tiny infectious organisms).

Bacterial infections.
 (Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms)

Fungal infections.

Parasitic infections.

3. How do they get to us? 

Microorganisms capable of causing disease—or pathogens—usually enter our bodies through the eyes, mouth, nose, or urogenital openings, or through wounds or bites that breach the skin barrier. Organisms can spread, or be transmitted,

4. Most common Symptoms of an Infection are:

Common cold
Strep throat
Stomach flu, diarrhea, cramps, vomiting, etc
Ear infections

Remember the symptoms of viral and bacterial infection may resemble but antibiotics won't work for viral infections.

5, Our Defence against them

When we are infected through any means, most times we are unaware, why, because cause our defence system are working 247 to defend us. We have three main lines of defence, before symptoms occur in form of either pains, swellings, fever or other means. What are these lines of defence?

Our body's three lines of defense are:,

1. Skin:
The outer barriers like skin,

2, the second being non-specific immune cells like macrophages and dendritic cells, and

3. the third line of defense being the specific immune system made of lymphocytes like B- and T-cells.

6. Signs of weak immune system and what to do.

*Signs of a Suppressed immunity* 

A. Frequent cold, sneezing, flu like symptoms

If you are always battling with cold. Obviously your immune is low

 *What to do -* include more garlic, ginger, Tumeric, onions, greens, eggs, raw foods and citrus fruits. Reduce carbs and sugar. Stay away from transfats, especiall fried foods.

B. You always have tummy issues, like constipation, diarrhea, gas, stomach noise etc,  

 *What to do -* Include probiotics foods, fermented foods like millet, yogurt, African oil bean seed, iru etc to help support gut health. Also avoid too much sugar and sugary drinks including carbonated beverages and highly processed foods, 

 C. Difficulty in wound healing** 

Your skin goes into damage control mode after you get a burn, cut or scrape. Your body works to protect the wound by sending nutrient-rich blood to the injury to help regenerate new skin.

This healing process depends on healthy immune cells. But if your immune system is sluggish, your skin can’t regenerate. Instead, your wounds linger and have a hard time healing.

 *What to do -* include fruits rich in vitamin C and quality protein, soyabeans, moringa leaves, eggs, carrots, vitamins A and E rich foods, peanuts are rich in protein and vitamin E, but must be taken in moderwtion. 

D. *You Have Frequent Infections* 

If you seem to battle frequent infections, your immune system might be sending you red flags. If you are always treating typhoid and malaria, then, that's a strong signal that your immune system is low.

 *What to do -* take garlic regularly, take fresh paw paw leaves tea, include bitter leafs, especially the water of a freshly washed bitterleaf, moringa leaves, reduce sugar. Honey is OK in moderation. Green foods, nuts and legumes. Chicken soups, black peppers and raw fruits in moderation due to sugar.

7 Foods that fights infections naturally 

Honey. Honey is one of the first natural anti-microbial medicines to be used.

Garlic. Garlic is a powerful anti-bacterial that can fight yeast infections, fungus and candida overgrowth. ...
Coconut Oil. 
Grapefruit Seed Extract. 
Vitamin C.
Manuka Honey. 
Apple-Cider Vinegar.

8, Top foods that feed disease in our body

If a micro organism enters, our body, it needs food to survive, if you supply its food, it will grow and begin sharing nutrients with you until it takes the upper hand to the point of starving you the host of nutrients leading to death of the person, but if we have this knowldge, the moment you sense an infection is present in your body, you feed it by consuming these foods:

Processed foods.
Foods and drinks high in sugar.
Refined carbohydrates.
Alcoholic beverages
Transfats and animal proteins like milk

9. Simple Ways to Boost Your Body's Natural Defenses

Here are simple ways and habits to help boost your body's Natural defence and avoid infections. 

Get enough sleep.
Sleep and immunity are closely tied.

Eat more whole plant foods.
Eat more healthy fats. Like cold pressed coconut oil, olive, peanuts, walnuts and avocadoes oil

Eat more fermented foods, like millet pap, iru yoghurt. 

Limit added sugars.

Engage in moderate exercise.

Stay hydrated. Water therapy is our culture 

Manage your stress levels.

Include vitamin C rich foods like lemon and other citrus

Include sufficient daily protein. Protein is the building block

Include foods with antibacterial and antiviral properties daily, such as honey, garlic ginger, cloves and peppers

10. Foods that cause mucus and Foods that reduce mucus 

Mucus is part of our body's defense. The body produce its mucus naturally, however when mucus is too much due to the consumption of certain foods, microbes take advantage of it. Here are some top foods that encourage excessive mucus:

Red meat
Ice Cream
Corn and corn products
Soy products
Sweet desserts
Alcoholic beverages
So what’s left to eat?

Foods That Reduce Mucus

While it may seem like you can’t eat anything because all of the major food groups have already been wiped out, there are actually some foods left that have the ability to reduce your mucus production.

Here are 21 of them:

Pumpkin seeds
Honey or agar
Cayenne pepper
Olive oil
Decaf tea
If you or a love

11. How to stay safe during this pandemic.

We know that safety is of the lord but as Law abiding citizens, we must follow and abide by all safety tips in addition to trusting God to keep us.
Here are some safety tips to help stay free from infection during this pandemic.

Firstly, we must note that there are several other viral infections including Sars, but the latest among the virus is Coronavirus, which is said to be founded in 2019, the reason, it is cod named Covid-19. As a general rule, all viral infections have similar symptoms, such as flu, and Coronavirus is one of them with similar symptoms.

Here are some popular tips you should observe:

Wash your hands frequently;
Avoid/reduce touching your eyes, nose or mouth;
Avoid eating raw meat and unnecessary contact with wild animals;
Thoroughly cook meat and eggs;
Avoid close contact with anyone with flu-like symptoms;
If you develop a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, there are remedies and herbs with antiviral properties you can try at home, but if symptoms persist after three days, or one week, better to seek medical attention
Include herbs that reduces mucus like onions, garlic, Tumeric, ginger in your daily diet, excess mucus will feed a viral infection and make the organism more powerful against the host. We already listed the foods that cause excess mucus production 
Take particular precaution while travelling.
Use nose mask in large crowds
Maintain simple hygiene while at home.

12. Common Antiviral foods


This is known to have powerful antiviral qualities and commonly added to teas, extracts, and tinctures meant to naturally treat viral infections.

Its leaves and essential oils contain active components, including menthol and rosmarinic acid, which have antiviral and anti-inflammatory activity


Basil has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that can help fight several viral infections. A study revealed that basil contains compounds like apigenin and ursolic acid, which is effective on herpes, hepatitis B and enterovirus. 

The main compound of fennel seeds is trans-anethole, which is found to be quiet effective against herpes viruses. The small seeds also boost your immunity and decrease inflammation in the body.


Garlic is a superfood and is used for preparing medicines for various health conditions. Studies suggest that garlic can be effective against influenza A and B, HIV, HSV-1, viral pneumonia, and rhinovirus.

Other antiviral foods include:

Lemon balm
Cold pressed coconut
and many other common and uncommon foods.

13. Healthy Body All the way

This is a shot piece on a few of my secrets and how I have remained healthy since 2012,till date without any dose of antibiotics despite that I could not stay one or two months without taking typhoid or malaria drugs. To God be the Glory, all that is history now. Here are some of my daily living habits to beat infections.

1. Water therapy

Water therapy is our culture and for over ten yrs, have been observing it with my entire family. A simple secret to healing and restoring healthy body

2. Regular consumption of raw garlic and honey on empty stomach, it is one of my strongest natural antibiotics against many ailments, including viral infections.

3. Occasional bitters like bitterleaf, bitter cola, coffee, cocoa, pawpaw leafs tea and all bitter foods are part of my regular foods to control sugar, high blood sugar is a feeder of disease

4. More liquids especially in the morning. Teas like cocoa, ginger and tumeric, Cinnamon and blackseeds. Honey is an everyday addition to any chosen tea each morning. These are all anti inflammatory. Occasionally, oats and millet are part of the breakfast with nuts.

5 Manage Stress

Stress affects almost everyone, women, old and young. For me, I have seen the extreme side of stress. Comes with insomnia that persist for several days with not even one hour of sleep. Now I try to avoid/reduce foods that makes my stress level high, like sugar, bread, starchy foods and go for bananas, with cashews, cucumbers helps fight inflammations that comes with extreme stress. So I include it in moderation. If stress is not managed properly, it is the worst enemy of our immune which opens door for infections. So I am mindful of this.

6. Include Green veggies especially
 seasonal veggies like waterleaf, okro, etc in my daily diet especially evening meals, they are healing foods. I try to include antibacterial spices in my daily meal. It helps fight infections, and reduce yeast activity.

7. Fresh Foods daily

This will shock you, but it's true fans, My family members only can testify to this. It is stressfull and appears a bit expensive, but one way to avoid infections and stay healthy all year round is that only me🙄 cooks my meals and that of my family till date, zTrh reduce cooking plenty soups and stocking in fridge as much as possible. Some even cook beans too. it is not surprising we do not visit hospital for several years now. It is our secret. Our ancestors practiced it and lived to ripe old age. It's all to the praise of the Almighty God.

8, Include Raw Foods

Each time we eat cooked foods more digestive enzymes are released to digest these food. One of the hardest job our body does, is digestion. If only we can supply ready foods in liquid raw form. Our immune will be stronger. So I ensure to include at least two raw foods daily. it could be citrus, cucumber, limes, garden egg, avocadoes, coconuts, etc. These are ready foods and fully utilized when consumed and helps preserve these enzymes too. So it's one of my secret. I also try not to overdo it because of thyroid health. Too much raw foods affects thyroid and can lead to goitre.

9. Moderate exercise

Though my work of writing, blogging requires sitting, I am always mindful of this and therefore try standing up and moving or doing something else intermittently. It is one secret to my wellness all the way.

10. Fermented foods

Absence of fermented foods in our regular diet is the reason typhoid goes and keeps coming back with its cousin malaria🙄. I try to include iru, daily, take fermented millet occasionally like twice or once in a week. Sometimes it could be up to three times especially when constipation comes.

11 Daily Protein

I love bread😜 yes you heard me, it is acidic and inflammatory. But I find a way to add my own fortification. Though my bread is usually fortified bread, but bs, blackseed and honey, boiled egg, but I take just a bit or slice these days because of my blood sugar, Cinnamon and honey and other yeast fighting foods usually accompany my bread during breakfast. Even if you give me any other food in the morning. I will still ask for hot water and tea in the morning, who else does this?  To be continued

Saturday, 26 October 2024

Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes leaves


If you have been avoiding sweet potatoes due to its starchy nature, here is good news for you. Did you know that the leaves of sweet potatoes are not only edible but also rich in nutrients, I have been eyeing some fresh leaves in my compound and just been thinking that it should be edible, merely seeing and smelling the leaves of most edible veggies tells you  if it is toxic or not. 

After few research and studie on it, decided to try it with garlic, onions and seasonings It turned out that, I had been missing out all these while. then, decided to make a full meal with African oil bean seed (ogbono) and bitter leaf, onions, garlic, fish,turkey and other condiments and it was a wao. 

 Now sweet potatoes leaves has become part of the veggies in my eating list. Not only is it tasty, you can feel the effects if you are gifted with knowing what goes on within you when you eat certain foods,particularly new ones. 

 Here are some of the health benefits of sweet potatoes leaves 

 Healthy Gut

 Promote a healthy gut, being a green food. You know all greens are good for your gut and heart health. Helps promote a healthy digestive tract, relieving constipation and also helps prevent colon cancer. Ensure not to overcook the leaves, so as to retain the nutrients.

 Antioxidant properties Sweet potatoes have been found to contain a high amount of antioxidants, making it suitable in combating inflammatory problems like asthma, arthritis, gout, etc. Also,vitamin C makes it great for fighting off free radicals thus preventing premature aging and disease. 

 Reduces inflammation 

 The high beta carotene content in sweet potato is the key anti-inflammatory compound that makes it a natural painkiller. You can eat it steamed, or juiced to benefit from its painkilling properties.these anti inflammatory properties are also found in the roots, which is the Sweet potatoes.

 Relieves Insomnia I personally found out that adding the leaves of sweet potatoes, helps promote a sustained and refreshing sleep at night. 

 It is advised then to add it into your soup in the evening, especially if you suffer insomnia. 

 Source of Important Nutrients to help fight disease A source of Potassium, B6 vitamin C, Vitamin A and other nutrients that boosts our immune system. So if you feel you need to boost your blood or fight off disease, then go for non starchy veggies like sweet potatoes leaves.


Remember to wash your sweet potatoes leaves with plenty of water and salt, since it crawls most times and may have sand and other unwanted agents may be hiding in the leaves. Consume moderately, too much of every thing, even the good ones could be detrimental. Moderation is our rule.

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Fatty Liver Disease. Top Foods to Help Reverse it


In my view, Fatty liver disease as it is often called  is not really a disease but is a condition where there is much  that is stored around the liver usually common among those who take lots of alcohols.  Fatty liver  is quite common as it usually does not present with troubling symptoms until it has advanced, apart from alcoholics. it can also be found amongst healthy persons, talking of people who are not indulging in alcohol known as non alcoholic liver disease.  The disease is  also more common amongst those who are fat and heavyweights who  have extra body weight and fat.  Apart from this category of people,  I  have  also  seen amongst very slim people surprisingly with very fatty liver when test was carried out on them,  though  fatty liver disease may not be felt by most individuals as in like feeling like headache but when it is there,  the immune system will be low and the person will usually be sick because the liver is not functioning at its best.  The metabolic  rate will not always be fine with such  individual so it is important to deal with it.   Fortunately it is reversible .   Once you suspect or you are diagnosed with fatty liver it's important to follow or begin to include these foods and stop the causative factor the thing that caused the fatty liver should be stopped  immediately.  

Common Causes of Fatty Liver

 1.  Fried Foods

So many things could also be responsible especially consuming fried foods.  Apart from alcohol. Another fast way to gather unwanted fat around the liver is frying your food.   

2.  Fatty foods especially Animal Protein 

If you are consuming too much cow meat. Goat meat, milk and such foods regularly and in large amount, Fatty liver  may begin to accumulate.

3.  Soyabeans Extract ( whey protein)

If you look around the supermarket and some shops you will notice some proteins extract from soya beans known as whey  protein, a lot of people consume it even in large amount without knowing its effect on the liver soyabeans  is a very high protein food and  nutritious too but it also naturally comes with lecithin and isoflavones this nutrients are said to  support the Liver detoxification and cleansing of fat when they are consumed naturally as the real soyabeans comes with nature and not taken in excess.   it is also  a great addition but because of the high amount of protein in soya beans when the whey  protein extract is taken, some of the naturally occurring ingredients in soya beans that supports removal of liver fat to avoid fatty liver which mother nature may have put their may have been removed and that is why I often advise and suggest that food should be consumed the way they come in nature instead of removing it as an extract whatever is taken as an extract I do not recommend or suggest or see it as healthy because something may be missing in that extract, example is coffee beans when caffeine is taken away.

4.  Too much Cholesterol:  

Cholesterol comes from many  foods we eat such as  vegetable oil,  red palm oil and several other oils that come with cholesterol so we should beaware of too much oil in our diet especially the artificially manipulated oils known as vegetable oil or transfats.  we should be careful with them because too much can also lead to extra fat around the liver if you are suspecting fatty liver or you have been diagnosed with fatty liver , it is not something to beat your heart, All you need do is just for you to determine and make slight dietary modifications and the fatty liver will go back or reverse to healthy liver.  I have also personally experienced fatty liver,  several years ago and it was reversed then,  Here are the top  common foods to include in your diet if you suspect fatty liver and before we move to the top foods if you are indulging in alcohol you have to stay away because it can also cause fatty liver.  Other causes of fatty liver includes too much Processed foods and foods with flavours. Colourings and preservatives, like bread, wheat gluten, transfats frim vegetable oils, biscuits, cakes, pastas too. Avoiding  healthy fats and not getting enough protein in the diet can also trigger fatty liver.

It is one of the most common cause of fatty liver, if you are  also consuming fatty foods like fried foods,  frying your eggs and other stuff you need also to stop.  if you want to avoid fatty liver someone may  also look fat physically but when the test is run, the liver may not be as fat as expected. but in most cases those who are fat  most  commonly also have fatty liver but there are few exceptions to this.  

Common Foods to Help Restore Fatty Liver


Tumeric contains naturally occurring anti-inflammatory and ingredients that not only Burns fat but fight inflammations around the liver.   it is one food you should consume if you suspect fatty liver and remember to always add a little ginger or black pepper to your turmeric to help it absorb properly you can take it as tea or add it to your meals but taken as tea may deliver more and faster result.


This spice either taken as tea or soup ingredients is great for those dealing with fatty liver.  It is also good to chew some fresh ginger just before breakfast to help aid digestion and support the liver in gradually offloading fats around it.  Ginger tea taken several times a week will help reduce liver fat too.  Remember to include sufficient protein especially plant based while consuming  ginger becausd ginger is quite hot.

Papaya Seeds:  

The fresh seeds from pawpaw fruit chewed on empty stomach is a great liver support, as ir helps in killing off some intestinal parasites, reducing bad cholesterol,  support heart health and reducing inflammations generally in the body. Chew about 9 seeds depending on your body weight.  You may start with less and gradually increase it to half tablespoon.  But never take too much because it has its own side effect just like every other food when taken in excess.  Moderation is our rule.


 We know that garlic is a powerful antibacterial antifungal and antibiotic Spice that helps destroy bacteria.  Itv is known for its Allicin and sulphur content which is a super food for the liver and not only the liver but also the heart. if you suspect fatty liver you can begin to chew garlic like two large  cloves in the morning or include more of it in your meaks or even use it as your own taste enhancer as it also helps bring out the natural taste in our meals.


 Cloves is an antibacterial antifungal and anti-inflammatory powerful Spice that has so many nutrients especially those that support liver health and destroys bacteria so if you suspect that you have a fatty liver you can begin to chew some cloves like two or three cloves 30 minutes after having your main  meals to help to reduce the load and the stress on the Liver as it will also kill bacterias that may want to cause complications.  It aids digestion too and reduces blood sugar, warding off inflammations at all levels.  Never take too much.

Green tea:

Green tea is known for its polyphenols and other powerful nutrients that helps to burn fat not only around the body but also liver fat, it is effective if you take it moderately remembering that it  is a source of caffeine and caffeine is not good for our liver so when you are consuming it do not take it too frequently or much but when you take it more lately it's a great addition for those with liver fat and will not allow that extra fat any  around the liver.


Cabbage and  other cruciferous vegetables like onions broccoli cauliflower, kale  and all such vegetables are also good for the liver health you can ferment your cabbage or just let it hit a little it's okay that way  but I do not recommend too much of raw cabbage because it has effect also on the thyroid, so putting it a little or fermenting it as some do is okay because it helps to remove fat, it  is a fat burning food and all other cruciferous vegetables are also in that family you can include them moderately to reduce liver fat. if you suspect or that you are diagnosed with liver fat.

Green Vegetables:

 All green vegetables should consumed regularly  and infact daily as this may prevent liver fat too especially as the last meal of the day.  if you suspect that you have liver issues then include more green vegetables in your diet you can take some raw, but do not take much raw vegetables. 

Beetsroots :

Beetroots taken as tea or as a juice is also a super food for the Liver if you suspect fatty liver and you can find beetroot you can make juice out of it because it's quite sweet you can add cinnamon or other insulin helping Spices to reduce its effect effect of sugar also but it's great for liver especially those who are dealing with fatty liver. 

Apple Cider Vinegar

 Apple cider vinegar is also great to add one tablespoon to your water therapy I do not suggest too much of this apple cider because it's not a bone supporting drink so you need to take it moderately, I like to suggest 2 or 3  days in a week, it  is okay not daily because it does not support support bone strength judging from my own observations usage and such food should be taken cautiously so that you do not start feeling symptoms of reduce bone mass.

Cayenne pepper 🌶 :

 This  is  also another super food for the Liver that can be included in moderation in our meals to help the liver remove fat we already know a lot about it sour, you can  use dried Cayenne powder or fresh cayenne  pepper should be added in our mail or taken as tea to improve blood  circulation generally.

Lemon Juice 🍋 

Lemon juice in our warm water therapy in the morning is another great way to support liver detox and remove fat but again we should also take it moderately.  Like it  shouldn't be everyday as some people do suggest. Though if you feel okay taking it daily, no problems.  Just remember that too much of everything is bad. and even too much of lemon juice is also a stressor  to our deliver so let's not overdo anything.  Just take it include lemon juice half a lemon is okay in your warm water therapy in the morning to help to continue to remove fat from the liver and avoid fatty liver.

Omega Food Sources like Sardines:

Omega 3 in fatty fishes like sardines are great for reducing fatty liver.  Include fish oil or sardines in moderation  to your meals.

Cold Pressed Coconut oil or olive oil

There is also an important aspect or belief that people who are avoiding fat for instance will not get liver fat.   No, I do not agree with this standpoint avoiding all kinds of fat may even lead to liver fat what may reduce liver fat is including healthy fats like cold pressed coconut oil which does not clog arteries, cold pressed olive oil and other such fats but it is a mistake or an error for you to begin to avoid all kinds of fat because you want to throw out fat from the liver that will give a reverse effect because you will be surprised to notice that your liver fat may be  increasing and the reason is because, the healthy fats in coconut oil helps the liver produce bile to help detoxify the body and does not clog arteries like other oils.  It does not also get stored in the liver like other oils. Cold pressed olive oil is also the oil of choice when dealing with fatty liver but because of too many adulteration, you may also use peanut oil which is the closest to olive oil because it is usually more organic here in Nigeria.


Being diagnosed with fatty liver should not give you much worries because it is easily reversible if you are willing to make the necessary dietary or lifestyle changes.  Remember to loose weight if you are overweight.

Thursday, 19 September 2024

10 Best Foods To Eat on Empty Stomach

When it comes to wellness through nutrition, it is important to mind how you start each, what you eat in the morning,  I mean the first foods that goes into your stomach determines how the entire day will go for you.   So be selective in your breakfast,  be cautious on what set of foods you start your day.  Some foods will make you sluggish throughout the day.  Remember that Water therapy should always be the first and you can make it warm as it may help lower blood pressure for those with high blood pressure:

Here are 10 best foods on Empty stomach:

1.  Lemon juice with honey and warm water: 

This liquid on empty stomach is not only Calming on you throughout the day but help settle several health issues such as:

- excess acidity
- excess body weight
- lowers blood pressure
- kills bacteria and other harmful microbs
- kills fungus
- treats Insomnia and
- kills deep rooted pains

2.  Fresh Pineapples

Fresh pineapples is another healthy food best in the morning on empty stomach, though acidic in taste, it's great when you start your day with fresh pineapples some of its benefits includes:

-  Burning unhealthy fats
-  hydrating your down to the cells
-  providing more nutrients and antioxidants with no fat
-  killing pains and inflammations
-  fibre to kick start your day
-   provides  alkaline environment to ward off microbes, and harmful bacteria etc

3. Cold pressed Olive oil

After your water therapy, another best food on empty stomach is cold pressed pressed olive oil.  This is particularly required if you are battling chronic Constipation.  It is usually my last resort and rarely fails.

Another best benefit of this oil on empty stomach is that it destroys yeast and fungal.  These cause a host of problems unknown to many.  If you can take a teaspoon of this oil on empty stomach.  You would have taken you heart healthy fat to kick start your day and avoid weakness of unknown origin.

4.  Fresh garlic soaked in Organic Honey

Another best good on empty stomach is fresh cloves of garlic soaked in honey. It will benefit you if you:

- Suffer frequent infections
- malaria and typhoid fever
- inflammations and pains
- yeast infections including vaginal infection, sore throat, earache, cold and cough
-  kills most drug resistant bacteria
-  heals ulcers and many more

5.  Cold Pressed Coconut oil

This another power but silent antibiotic best in empty stomach as it kills yeasts.  Other Benefits of this oil on empty stomach include:

- Burns stomach fat
- heals ulcers
- kills bacteria and other microbes
- heals sore throat and reduce inflammations
-  provides you with quality energy to kick start your day.
-  Boost metabolism

6.  Apples

Green apples is a great detox food which is best taken in the morning after water therapy especially when you need to detox your body od toxins or during chronic constipation, it is rich in fibre that helps deal with constipation.

7.  Cabbage juice with carrot 🥕 

Carrot and cabbage juice in the morning is particularly great for those experiencing stomach ulcers. However, this remedy is better for those without insulin resistance.   It can help  also heal ulcers. Tackle constipation and strengthen stomach walls and reduce cases of intestinal bleeding .

8.  White Garden Egg

I noticed lately that this particular fruit works well for prediabetics and diabetic, as it is low in calorie, rich in fibre and soft.  Most raw vegetables are good to start your day with but make sure it is soft.

9.  Fennel Tea

Fennel tea helps with stomach acid production, it helps prepare the stomach for digestion, tackles constipation and is a source of important nutrients like calcium and iron.

10.  Fermented papaya water

This drink is a great peobiobic addition to start your day especially those trying to heal of stomach  ulcers.   After water therapy, consuming this fermented drink loaded with antioxidants like vitamins A, C, E and probiotic cultures helps aid digestion and support digestion.  It also kills off some unhealthy gut bacteria which slows digestion and sometimes contributes to stomach ulcers

Apart from the above, there are several other foods that can help give you a good start especially when taken on empty stomach such as watermelon, lime with honey and warm water, ginger tea, pawpaw, apples, Bananas, kudin tea,  lemon grass tea, tumeric,  black seed tea and many others.  It is important to avoid excess of any of these as that may give another unpleasant result.

Tuesday, 17 September 2024

Foods that Heals Stomach Ulcers, (continuation on ulcers 2)

In part two of this important subject  of  stomach ulcers, we are looking
at :
Symptoms of stomach ulcers
Complications and
Foods that Heals ulcers

1.  What are the symptoms of ulcers? Symptoms off ulcer may vary depending on the stage and location of the ulcer, how ever most common symptoms are:

1. Gassy feeling:  urge to burp most times

2.  Heart burn:  This is a burning sensation in the chest that can even mimic a heart attack. If it frequent regardless of you eat.  It may be a stomach ulcer.  Also, frequent burp or hiccup especially after eating

3.  Dark or black bowel movement, in some cases, blood in the stool.  If this occurs, there may be need to carry out tests to rule out other life threatening issues.

 4. Feeling of hunger:  Hunger  that is so uncontrollable sometimes accompanied by feeling of fainting or almost falling down due to lack strength to move any one inch further may be an obvious sign that a
wound has occurred or about to occur in the stomach.
5.  Vomiting
6.  Pain that radiates to the back
7. Difficulty in swallowing
8.  Pain that does not go even when you take medications, rather gets worse.Some 9.Weight lose, without known cause could be traced to ulcer.

Complications of Stomach Ulcer:

 Malnutrition: You can become deficient in vitamins and minerals due to low food intake. Immune deficiencies, bone weakness, and skin fragility can all result from malnutrition, but may not be noticeable at first. However, malnutrition is not common in today's world as a complication of peptic ulcers.

Perforation: An ulcer can eventually wear away at the lining of the stomach or small intestine, causing a perforation (hole), which can leak gastrointestinal fluid into the body. This is an emergency that requires urgent medical treatment.

Obstruction: An ulcer can become inflamed, blocking the passageway of digested food and causing severe dysfunction of the small intestine. Like perforation, this is a medical emergency, in all cases of suspected ulcer. It is best to get adequate knowledge on foods to avoid  foods to eat and other healthy lifestyles to enable ulcer Heal naturally.

Foods that heals ulcer:

Here are a few of the foods the helps ulcer Heal fast:
1.  Natural foods:  the summary of the foods to help ulcer Heal is anti inflammatory foods and alkaline diet, top on the list are :
Eggs - boiled
Bananas in moderation because it's heavy
Coconut oil,  and olive oil
Good yoghurt with probiotics
Iru. Ogiri and other fermented condiments
Fermented Millet pap
Cayenne pepper
Black eyed cowpea
All Green vegetables lightly cooked such Ugu, spinach, okro. Ewedu etc
Moringa leaves
Sweet potatoes
Edible cassava
Black seeds
Sesame seeds 
Edible cassava root
Turkey meat
Fatty fish
Red palm oil in moderation 
Older adults should occasionally chew about 2  cloves to reduce acidity in the body, include unriped plantain as part of your diet, to help prevent reoccurrence of stomach ulcers
Fermented Green papaya fruit
African oil bean seed, (ogbono)
Alkaline fruits including eggplant
All anti inflammatory  foods are beneficial for ulcers too.

Remember to try and include  all natural foods that are caffeine free because this list is not all there several other foods that are beneficial but ensure that its caffeine free and does not carry much preservatives and flavours.

7 Tricks to Help you Loose Weight and keep them off


Overweight is becoming a global problem but obesity is the extreme side of being overweight and its found in children,  young people and  older adults.  It  is very common these days especially among the youth mostly because of lifestyle, such as  sedentary life,  not exercising enough, choice of food they eat and many other factors but there are smart things to do to help to keep our weight under control if you  have that gene in your family line.   Although there are  some people that  cannot be overweight no matter what they door eat.   but  if you are in that category of people with family history of being overweight then you must read this article and get some s mart ideas and tricks to help you to stay fit because obesity itself opens door for sicknesses and diseases and so before it gets to that point we must work on it,  attack it before it attacks us.  

 Here  are six tips to help you avoid being overweight in case you have the gene.

1.  Avoid Early Breakfast

Avoid starting your breakfast early by this I mean early breakfast can also contribute to weight gain and if you noticed that you are really hungry very early in the morning and it is frequent,  then it may be an indication that your sugar may be high especially for  mature adults and then you need to check it and besides that, delaying your breakfast helps your blood sugar to drop if it was even high upon waking up it helps your body to burn some fat before fresh ones comes because early breakfast is being suggested by a lot of people but if you are  an obese person or battling with weight gain, if you are working to reduce your weight as much as possible you have to avoid early breakfast.  early breakfast in my view  is any  breakfast that  you have earlier than 3 hours of your waking up that's an early breakfast if you wake up for like 6 a.m. and 8 a.m. you're already having your breakfast that's an early breakfast in my view but if you have your breakfast  say 10:00 a.m after  waking  up by 6:00am  and you had your breakfast 10:00 am  that is ok  thing from 10:00 is  okay I Believe by then the body would have exhausted the stock that was left overnight while we were  sleeping and then your fat storage commences upon your breakfast so your breakfast is important don't rush for breakfast all the time except for occasional cases when you just want to or you just feel to take something but then you must also be careful what you are taking because if it's something that can contribute to Fat storage,  it  is going to affect you and continue to increase your weight.

2.  Consume larger and richer meals in the morning or noon:

When eventually you decide to have your breakfast and you are even to work on your weight it's important to consume very well but you tend to take ensure that it is rich and dense in  nutrition and as much as possible ensure that you are full because if you are not full, there  is tendency to continue too much or pinch on unhealthy foods in between meals and consuming aor chewing in between meals during  will destroy your goal of maintaining a healthy body weight consuming healthy foods which comprises of your carbohydrates, your oils and fats or proteins in the morning keep you Fuller for longer.  Although some people prefer heavier meals in the evening but that won't help those who want to maintain their weight or loose weight.   You can also apply this trick if you are aiming to maintain a healthy body weight or you have problem of excess fat storage in your body it's a trick that works.

3.  Avoid late Meals

Another popular idea is to avoid late meals.  That means a lot of us are already aware of the harm and danger late  Meals poses to our health and not only to health but to our fat loss effort especially for those of us who want to lose weight it's going to destroy your effort if you continue to engage in regular late Meals, Late meals in my view  is  any meal  after by 8 p.m. or 7:30 p.m. if you consume anything heavy or as a main course, after 7:30 or 8 p.m. regularly, then weight gain is sure to come.   Though  there could be a few exceptional days and  occasions but making it a  regular occurrence or habit will not only affect the health of the individual, but  will also destroy the goal  of maintaining a healthy body weight

4.  Take a Natural fat Burning Drink Before Bed

Another trick that works is though may  not be so popular is taking a fat burning drink as your last meal before bedtime many people may not be aware of this but try some natural drinks like Fennel tea, Soghurm tea, ginger tea, Hibiscus flower tea,  cinnamon tea, fenugreek tea, pomegranate tea,  there are several other drinks that does not contribute to weight gain like apple cider vinegar, occasionally is a good drink tea, one tablespoon in a glass of  water before bed that can help you achieve results this trick works anytime you observe that you are increasing in  weight, you can use this trick to  stop it. These drinks work and  helps to burn fat while you are sleeping because  most of the fats are burned and also stored at night, if you do not drink a zero calorie tea to control the fat, they build up while  one is asleep and you woke up feeling that you are light but you are actually not,  you actually may not be truly  light because so many works fats  have been stored but  you may be feeling light because your body have rested and so you may not  know and that wouldn't give you the opportunity to really understand what has happened overnight.  Try it,   it works,  you will notice a drop even if not and if not a very noticeable drop but you will notice that there is no increase in the existing weight that you're trying to maintain.  There are several other teas you can also give a try like cinnamon tea. can also have it banana peels,  it won't allow fat storage but it will give you a good sleep and a good night sleep also support fat loss or fat burning.  

5.  Consume Root Vegetables instead of Simple Carbs or Grains.

Consuming foods like root vegetables with resistant kind of starch can help you achieve your goal of loosing weight if ever you want to consume carbohydrates you definitely need them for energy. Most of them are good sources of vitamin B group and then you need energy for your daily activities and so if you can avoid the simple sugars you can have all the processed carbs and insist on only carbs that are resistant there are several of them even bananas.  Riped bananas or unripe plantain,   edible cassava even, the usual swallow in moderation.   they are all complex carbs including  garri flakes, sweet potatoes and several other of them including  cocoyam are  all complex carbohydrates so we can take them moderately whenever we want to do so I do not suggest that we should stay off carbohydrates completely in order to lose weight but have to make a choice and do not consume too much of it because once you consume large amount frequently they begins to tighten the line of of weight gain which you will also notice.

6.  Exercise Daily Moderately

It is not a news or something strange to talk about the role of exercise in weight loss whether you are trying to loose existing weight or to avoid additional weight gain, the place of exercise is very important as it also helps to improve our overall health and so this trick works. Ensure that you  engage in exercising weather around the home weather, it is jumping, walking all kinds of exercise that will involve the entire body  so if we walk 35 =40 minutes today it's okay some other days we can do more than that but at the minimum ensure  that you move.   The more you move the more calorie you lose and the more calorie you lose the  the less tendency to be obese and so try the sticks and you will notice that you won't gain weight despite whatever you are eating or the fat gene in your family line.  You may not really gain weight and and existing weight will be reducing  if you apply these tricks.  

7.  Focus on more Protein in your diet:

Protein is the building block and you need them to help build new cells and replace dead ones.  They also help you achieve your weight loss goal.  Ensure also to include a bit of animal protein for completeness.  Focusing only on plot based may not provide you complete amino acids, though there are a few plat based foods with complete amino acids like soyabeans, moringa leaves tea.  However, foods like eggs, chicken, turkey meat are great too to help you achieve your weight loss goal.


Discipline is also required in all of the effort to loose weight, and nobody will do it for us.  We must resolve and discipline ourselves regarding foods and all unhealthy habits generally.  It is achieveable.  I was weighing between 100 and 110 but worked it up to 75 and now between 80 and 82.  Still working to bring it down to 76, though that makes me appear too skinny.  It is achievable if you are determined and disciplined.

Thursday, 12 September 2024

Reduce these 4 Foods if you think its blood Fat


The word  blood fat is  actually used to describe when the blood is quite thick and if you can bring out a sample of your blood when the blood fat is said to be in there, you will notice it's unusually thick and dark and not easily flowing and so there is no way we can bring out this blood out in order to take out the fat.   It is actually the food we eat that contributed to the fat in the blood and it is again the food that will take that will reduce the fat in the blood or melt the fat and so what are some of the main food that contribute to blood fat I will mention a few of them and then some of the foods that we should consume regularly to reduce the fat in the blood occasionally in the next article. Pratically speaking, when I try to check my blood sugar especially when I am  feeling unwell each time,  I  often notice that the blood is thick,  that is actually what may have contributed to the feeling of being unwell, and so it's time to begin to include blood thinners in the diet to help to change the blood because if the blood continue to thicken it can lead to blocking of arteries like the heart valves and it can even lead to serious cases like stroke talking of blood fat.  So it is necessary for us to ensure especially older adult that we continue to  include blood thinners daily in our diet to reduce excessive thickening of our blood which gives room two infections and sometimes heart problems and even stroke.  In my view here are 4  top blood thickness that we should reduce as we get older,  most of them are also good sources of iron.

1.  Soyabeans:  

Soyabeans is a healthy food whether the powder or liquid form it's better for growing  children and sometimes the  adult needed to it in small amount to complete our nutrients especially when we suspect that we are not taking enough food to give us all the nutrients we need especially also for heart health too.  Soyabeans contains some phytonutrients  that supports heart health and it is also important to include it moderately and occasionally in the adult diet in order to support our heart to support our health generally especially blood sugar, but when we suspect fat in our blood we need to reduce blood thickness like soyabeans and take it out completely till it thins again,  because soyabeans will add more iron to the blood making it  sticker and that is a good environment for bacteria to thrive,  too much iron in the blood is not good for older adults some of us go as far as buying iron tablets and capsules, this is very very unhealthy for older adults.

2.  Leafy Greens:

This may come as a surprise to many people because there is so much positive talks about including leafy greens in our diet but when we know that most of the leafy greens are blood thickness and so when we suspect that our blood is too thick we should be very selective about the type  of  green vegetables we include in our diet. Some leaves like Ugu should be reduced.  We  should be very selective okra is a good vegetable and is more of calcium and ewedu is a good one too.  They are  better in calcium and other nutrients that may not thicken our blood as that of  most  leafy greens.

3.  Meat and Some type of fish

Meet should not be avoided completely but it's also a blood thinner.  Blood  thinners are good source of iron it's a good source of some other essential nutrients but when you suspect that your blood is quite thick it's important to reduce your meat consumption because it will bring in more iron into the blood and more iron will be more thickness in the blood and that will not help your effort to reduce blood fat or fat in the blood.  Some fish especially some common fishes we consume thickens our blood, fishes the popular shawa thickens blood too but fatty fish are better blood thinners but we hardly get such fishes around.

4.  Processed Foods

Processed foods whether they contain fat or not contribute to overall fat in the blood because of the chemicals and other preservatives added to these  foods when we consume them in large amount they contribute to overall fat in the blood and so if you suspect that  your blood is fat or there is fat in your blood it  may not necessarily mean that you are eating fatty meals but these type of processed foods can contribute to overall fat and thickness in the blood, as long as they do not contribute to the thinning of the blood reduce the meat until the blood thins  again.


When we have high red blood cells,   white blood cells,  and platelets, the blood will obviously be fat and that is what I  describe as blood being too fat,  too loaded in another way to describe it and that is not good for older adults . Growing children can use it for growth and  other things but the older adults does not have any way to use some of these things  elements and so bacteria  thrive  on it and diseases also thrive,  that may not work well in our favour , it invites  diseases including stroke and blocking or  clogging of arteries.  so I will talk about it again or  do a reminder concerning blood thinners, talking of  common blood thinners that we need to start consuming if we suspect thickness in our blood  and this includes exercising moderately all these contribute to reducing the fat in our blood.  

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Tuesday, 27 August 2024

Diabetics can enjoy Rice these 7 Ways



Seasonal shoppings and plannings are  already high in the air and a lot of people are worried due to their health conditions like diabetics that they may not be able to enjoy rice like other people,  they may be forced to  eat some other foods  they may not really  desire to eat during the season but you don't have to worry especially with  rice which is one of the top foods that is often consumed during celebrations some prepare it as jollof rice some preparr it as white rice and there are various other ways that people prepare it and with various other things such as salads items, but you do not have to worry anymore as you can enjoy your rice in  one or more of these seven  ways without the expected spike in sugar and other negative effects.  However it is better still to consume unpolished or local rice as they contain more nutrients than polished rice.

The 7 best ways to enjoy rice this Season, if you are Health Concious:

Whether you cook your  your rice as Jollof or as white rice ensure to Spice it up with ginger, tumeric, sea salt, fermented condiment like iru,  cinnamon, when prepared this way and consumed with meat. You do not have to worry about spike in sugar if you consume in moderation. 

2.  Add lots of green vegetables

 Whichever way you want to prepare your rice ensure there is lots of green vegetables and some cabbage, let the cabbage be less than the green vegetables all these are aimed at increasing the bulk of the fiber in the meal  and reducing  the overall quantity of rice during the consumption and do not forget that meat  chicken , or Turkey beef or even boiled eggs should be part of that meal to help  you to enjoy your rice without a spike in your blood sugar.

3.  Do not consume it hot

Another smart thing to do is to avoid consuming it hot, allow it  to cool for some hours before consuming it as consuming it this way has  been shown to reduce the usual spike in your sugar after consumption.

4.  Avoid Consuming late, just before bed

Do not consume late before bed, the last point is avoid consuming it late that is late before going to bed you can take it and enjoy it anytime before 6:00 p.m. and do a few walking around the home before going to bed. I do take mine between 5pm and 6 whenever and it won't affect my sugar the next morning.

5.  Use Healthy fats:  

Using healthy fat to prepare your rice is another way of preventing the usual spike in blood sugar  expected of a high glycemic grain like rice.  I like to use organic peanut oil in  most of my cookings because of its smoke poin.   Red palm oil is another good oil with good  fat but where in the absence of it most other oils may taste better like sunflower oil but in the long run most of them  do not have high smoke point like peanut oil.  Remember to avoid processed peanut oil, it bad and contains transfats.  Go for the local peanut oil pressed from kuli kuli.   Organic peanut  oil that is superior to most of the oils in this way, that is why it can be used for frying or for doing a lot of other cookings including soups.  so when you cook your rice with the healthy fat whether as white, use it  for your stew or to prepare your Jollof  rice, it tastes great too. In addition to tasting great, its rich in vitamin E for your heart health and wont spike your sugar.  Adding a teaspoon or tablespoon of coconut oil depending on the quantity also help with insulin resistance and other effects.

6.  Include Animal Protein

Avoid the temptation to consume rice without meat,  chicken,  fatty fish, or  boiled eggs because it will result in a spikein in  your sugar,  also avoid the temptation to have to consume rice and beans together with the hope that beans will provide the protein that you  needed they are not good combined  together because beans is high in carbohydrates and rice is also a source of carbohydrates, so include either chicken Turkey, or cow meat to give you better result in terms of your blood sugar.

7.  Do not Consume very large Quantity

Rice is tasty , either as Jollof or white rice, so the temptation to consume large amount could result in spiking your blood sugar or other health issues including weight gain.  A lot of people are cut in this trap of consuming too much due to taste and hunger.  However, whenever you are caught with over eating rice, boil some guava leaves tea and to help lower the sugar or chew a few cloves, sometimes I also soak some chia seeds after washing in boiled water for a few minutes and consume to help lower sugar.  It is better to take these steps before going to bed to avoid those negative effects on the blood.


Rice is a healthy grain that we all love especially during festive periods, so go ahead and  enjoy with it's health benefits, it's a great food for brain health too, helps reduce depression tastes nice too.   A lot of people always love it during the festive period.  So if you have been missing it all the while,  try consuming it in one or more of these ways  and don't consume too much, though it is difficult when you are still much hungry to stop but most times I eat till I am truly satisfied and as long as I followed the rules above, it does not affect me but in the absence of it, it will cause a spike in my sugar.  Consuming it with fish like sardines and other fatty fish works too but I tried using other fishes and the result was elevated blood sugar in the morning.  So ensure to be guided so as to enjoy your season with all the delicacies. 

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Saturday, 24 August 2024

Have You Tasted Waist Pain? Here is Simple Drink that Helps


Have you experienced waist pain before? there are various causes of waist pain and it is easier to say that other pains are more distressing until you experience one which is a very distressing situation when it comes and  it's not easy to find a remedy, as the pain is at the waist where your hand have no full control.   

So many things may be suspected as the cause of waist pain and of course, waist pain  is an inflammation but sometimes, the cause  may not be easily traced.   Depending on the location of the pain, kidney disease may be suspected ,it could be as a result of other infections too,  much fat  in the body could also cause it.   lifting heavy objects,  stress,  certain inflammatory foods,  too much protein in the diet,  too much iron that is not absorbed,  and several others  and sometimes even the type of bed or chairs we use at home could also trigger waist pain which I've experienced before if you have experienced a severe waist pain the first thing I suggest you do is to begin to search for the real cause of that waist pain because it is not okay to point fingers on any disease without diagnosis,  here are most common causes of waist pain and  a simple remedy that worked in this case, but 5

before the remedy, here are Most common cause of waist pain:

 1.   Overweight: 

 Too much body weight can place much stress on the waist bones cause wear and tear leading to waist pain.  In this case, first move is to try loose weight.  

2.  Frequent common  posture

 if you are engaged in a daily activity. Could be business or whatever involving or requiring a particular daily posture, it could trigger waist pain, the solution here is to change or adjust 

3.  Too much Protein in the diet

   whether it be plant based or animal protein, they place strain on the kidney and other organs and most times the excess waste produced during protein digestion triggers waist pain.  The solution is to reduce protein in the diet. Especially soyabeans, legumes and other sources.

 4.  Much Peanuts and other Nuts

 Peanuts is high in omega 6, iron, protein and comes with weight, if consumed regularly in large amount, weight gain and waist pain kicks off.  If you suspect this to be the case, then stop or reduce nuts generally.

5.  Warning Sign of Kidney disease

Some waist pains may also the onset or may be a warning sign of kidney problem depending on the location of the pain. but it is always best to start to give it attention not to neglect it before it spreads or turns out with other complications.  If home remedies fails. Proper diagnosis may be required.

6. Your Sleeping Bed or Chairs

A type of bed you are using to sleep especially older adults could start  waist pain and in that case it is important to change the foam and entire bed where necessary older adults  better use orthopedic foams  which are harder for better blood circulation.  Improved blood circulation could prevent waist pain or reverse existing one.   

7.  Too much acids in the body:  

This can also trigger or  cause a waist pain so when we experience waist pain, the first and best thing to do  is  to begin to look around maybe it's what we are eating too much or too processed foods which comes with much acids.  If this is the case, we must stop the acids by staying off processed  foods.  

8  Too much carbohydrates:  

This covers too much sugars in the diet too.  If we are consuming too much carbohydrates, then we need to reduce it due to the waist pain

9.  Malaria Symptoms or Typhoid:

These  that can also trigger a waist pain which  could  be due to inflammations, in that case, treating malaria may resolve it using  herbal or  pharmacetical drug. 

10.  Caffeine:

Caffeine in the diet can reduce calcium in the body and then onset of waist pain could start and in that case it is okay to take off or reduce caffeine in the diet such as coffee, teas, and other sources  especially older adults so that our bones also be preserved and try to include calcium and  magnesium-rich foods in the diet.

11.  Cow milk

Milk may look like a growing food for growing children more than when older adults also engage in too much milk it also leads to build-up of acids and inflammations and could also trigger a waist pain so in that case if you suspect waist pain, It  is important to begin to seek other calcium sources like chia seeds and other plant-based calcium sources chia seeds , fennel seeds, sea salt and other bone supporting foods. 

12.  Low level of Omega 3 fats 

  This often overlooked but not including omega-3 foods in our diet could trigger waist pain.  Sardines, walnut, and other fatty fishes are good sources.  but must be taken in moderation too because moderation is our rule.

 13.  Lack of Calcium or other Minerals

This is very common amongst women, we must engage in moderate exercise in addition to including calcium rich foods in our diet.

One Remedy that worked for me:

 A tablespoon of ACV in a glass of water before bed.  As the last drink.  It Brough me relief before day broke and moved my bowel easily reducing the waist pain generally.


There are several other remedies that can help relieve a waist pain including massaging but  the above remedy actually relieved my waist pain.   Waist pain that may have been caused by maybe acids or whatever but it actually brought a relief and that drink is apple Cider  Vinegar with the mother. just one tablespoon of apple cider in warm water before bed was what I did which was not a common or regular thing but in this case I thought to try it because apple cider  has a positive effect on malaria it has a positive effect on digestion and I thought that poor digestion can also fuel the waist pain or any other disease so I thought that taking this apple cider may also help to aid and speed up digestion in case it has a link with digestion which is normally the case because life is in the gut.  Most diseases also have a link in the got so I tried it one tablespoon of the Apple Cider in warm water before bed while the pain was distressing and paining and actually brought a lot of relief and good bowel movement in the morning and there was a lot of relief but there is something about apple cider I do not think it is okay to continue the apple cider for a long time because it's not a bone supporting drink it does not contain reasonable amount of calcium or rather it may even reduce bone density in a way because of how it operates like a blood thinner, If you try it.  let us know by commenting if you tried it and it worked but not for long term I think it may work for a short-term while we try to include other long-term Solutions like including magnesium-rich foods including calcium rich foods which are long-term and if there are other causes like too much protein will need to also withdraw them from the diet so as to I have a permanent relief of the waist pain. 

In all cases if the waist pain persists after we have tried home remedies it's always good to go for a check-up because kidney disease also may start as a back or waist pain.  Early detection, gives us upper hand against any disease.

Detox your body and Prevent Infections

What is Detoxification:   

This is simply a process through which your body gets rid of toxins, pesticides and other harmful chemical naturally by the help of key organs.  Major organs involved in detoxification are the liver, kidney, pancreas, skin, colon, and  lungs. Our bodies are expected to naturally remove these toxins naturally without assistance, however as we age and the toxins increase in our systems, the organs are nolonger getting younger and the toxins are increasing at an alarming rate due to exposures which  brings an overload of these toxins upon our organs.  When they accumulate over a period of time, the entire body begins to feel sick.

When  Do We Need Detoxification

Constipation: It is expected that we pooh daily or every other day depending on the individual, however, if constipation becomes persistent over a long time, then their may be need for us to bring in natural ingredients to assist our body get rid of these waste that may soon choke our organs.


 If we discover frequent break outs our, skin problems that refuses to heal.  Then the skin may be sending a message to detox.  The skin will always report correctly what is happening inside.  If all is well within,  then you will have a clear glowing skin.

Weight Gain:

When gain continues with much effort to loose weight and not getting result, it may be a sign that there is overload of toxins whithin.

Other signs of need of detox includes:  Not sweating for a long time, poor appetite, sluggishness, lack of sleep for a long period of time and other unfamiliar symptoms.

How Toxins Enter Our Body

Whether we believe it or not, our exposure to toxins today has never been so alarming in history:
A brief look a how and when they enter our body

- Through the food we eat, many of us enjoy processed  and packaged foods and drinks laden with sugar and other chemical preservatives and the liver must work hard to get rid of these preservatives when they get inside

- Drinks:  

These includes carbonated beverages containing gas and other harmful agents to our body.  Drinks include hard water, from poor sources. 

-  Body creams, 

Soaps, detergents, perfumes, powder and other beauty products.

-  Our Physical Environment:  Usually when generators and other machines are in operation, they release fumes into the air, making even the air we breath sometimes toxic.  when we live in environments with so much toxic waste in the surrounding, when we live in industrial areas with large generators and machines, we take in toxins through the air we breath.

Ways to Avoid Toxins

-  Go for organic foods whenever possible
-  Ensure your water is purified, avoid water from tanks, dirty bottles, cellophane bags , reservoirs or other unhealthy sources.
-  Reduce exposure to chemicals from beauty products, whenever possible make your own soaps, creams and other products.  I make mine own bathing soaps, kitchen soaps and body creams for several years and it has been helping me reduce toxic expossure.
- Maintain healthy lifestyle and ensure personal hygiene
-Reduce junk foods and natural foods
- Stay closer to nature.  Gardens, flowers and home grown trees. 

Benefits of Detoxifying your System

-  Helps slow down aging
-  Glowing skin, hair and nails
-  Boost your immune system.  Your body is stronger to resist infections.
-  Energy Booster.  You feel increased energy after a good detox
- Aids fertility both in men and women
-  Reduce frequent bacteria infections, including fungal
-  Helps in achieving weight losss
-  Helps prevent tumors and reduce their spread.

Simple Detox you can Do at Home


You can combine any of these fruits for a liver/kidney cleanse

Cucumber or Green apple

You can also include any of these herbs:

Nettle leaf tea
Bitter leaf juice
Raw Vegetable juice
Olive oil

Eat Walnut, green vegetables  and cabbage

For Natural Blood Cleansing.  Use any of the following:

Mistletoe tea
sorghum tea
Golden seal root
Cayenne pepper with red clover
Dandelion or garlic

You can make a tea or tincture from any of the above items and drink and ensure to take more water during your detox


You can make a detox drink for your whole body cleans by making use of any of the fruits mentioned below especially citrus fruits - lemons, limes, oranges, etc

Cucumber slice
Mint leaves
Fresh ginger or garlic
slice of lemon or lime
Citrus fruits


You can make use of any of the following:

- water
- Apple cider
- Lemon and lime
- Cucumber slice
- Cinnamon

Common Detox  Hot Drinks -  General

-Lemon + Ginger + Honey
 Tumeric + Green Tea
 Ginger + Tumeric
  Green Tea + Lemon/Lime

Cold Drinks
Lemon slice  + Cucumber slice with water
Lemon juice or slice with water
Carrot + Orange juice plus ginger powder
Cucumber plus aleo vera

In summary

it is advised we do a daily simply detox or include these detox  foods to our regular meals instead of allowing a heavy build up of toxins requiring rigorous detox that are some times difficult and stressful.