Infections! what are they? Are there Natural remedies?
The subject before us sounds more scientific, but we will not attempt to go deep scientifically as, we are not scientists, but I shall endeavor to focus on the following during the study:
1. what is Infection
2. Types of infections
3. How do they get to us
4. Symptoms of Infection
Our defence against them -
5. Signs of a weak immune system and what to do
6. Foods that fights infections
7. Foods that feed infections
8. Foods that cause Mucu
9. Simple ways to boost your body's natural defense
10 Foods reduce mucus
11. How to stay strong during this Pandemic by including common Antiviral foods that helps fight infections
13. Healthy Body All the Way
14. Summary
15. Questions and Answers
1. What is infection
In my own definition, infection is said to occur when a foreign living organism invades our body in the form of pathogens, overcomes all our natural defencies and deters our organs from carrying on its regular functions/ activities resulting in disease.
2. Types of Infection
There are four most common types of infections, namely:
Viral infections. (Viruses are very tiny infectious organisms).
Bacterial infections.
(Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms)
Fungal infections.
Parasitic infections.
3. How do they get to us?
Microorganisms capable of causing disease—or pathogens—usually enter our bodies through the eyes, mouth, nose, or urogenital openings, or through wounds or bites that breach the skin barrier. Organisms can spread, or be transmitted,
4. Most common Symptoms of an Infection are:
Common cold
Strep throat
Stomach flu, diarrhea, cramps, vomiting, etc
Ear infections
Remember the symptoms of viral and bacterial infection may resemble but antibiotics won't work for viral infections.
5, Our Defence against them
When we are infected through any means, most times we are unaware, why, because cause our defence system are working 247 to defend us. We have three main lines of defence, before symptoms occur in form of either pains, swellings, fever or other means. What are these lines of defence?
Our body's three lines of defense are:,
1. Skin:
The outer barriers like skin,
2, the second being non-specific immune cells like macrophages and dendritic cells, and
3. the third line of defense being the specific immune system made of lymphocytes like B- and T-cells.
6. Signs of weak immune system and what to do.
*Signs of a Suppressed immunity*
A. Frequent cold, sneezing, flu like symptoms
If you are always battling with cold. Obviously your immune is low
*What to do -* include more garlic, ginger, Tumeric, onions, greens, eggs, raw foods and citrus fruits. Reduce carbs and sugar. Stay away from transfats, especiall fried foods.
B. You always have tummy issues, like constipation, diarrhea, gas, stomach noise etc,
*What to do -* Include probiotics foods, fermented foods like millet, yogurt, African oil bean seed, iru etc to help support gut health. Also avoid too much sugar and sugary drinks including carbonated beverages and highly processed foods,
C. Difficulty in wound healing**
Your skin goes into damage control mode after you get a burn, cut or scrape. Your body works to protect the wound by sending nutrient-rich blood to the injury to help regenerate new skin.
This healing process depends on healthy immune cells. But if your immune system is sluggish, your skin can’t regenerate. Instead, your wounds linger and have a hard time healing.
*What to do -* include fruits rich in vitamin C and quality protein, soyabeans, moringa leaves, eggs, carrots, vitamins A and E rich foods, peanuts are rich in protein and vitamin E, but must be taken in moderwtion.
D. *You Have Frequent Infections*
If you seem to battle frequent infections, your immune system might be sending you red flags. If you are always treating typhoid and malaria, then, that's a strong signal that your immune system is low.
*What to do -* take garlic regularly, take fresh paw paw leaves tea, include bitter leafs, especially the water of a freshly washed bitterleaf, moringa leaves, reduce sugar. Honey is OK in moderation. Green foods, nuts and legumes. Chicken soups, black peppers and raw fruits in moderation due to sugar.
7 Foods that fights infections naturally
Honey. Honey is one of the first natural anti-microbial medicines to be used.
Garlic. Garlic is a powerful anti-bacterial that can fight yeast infections, fungus and candida overgrowth. ...
Coconut Oil.
Grapefruit Seed Extract.
Vitamin C.
Manuka Honey.
Apple-Cider Vinegar.
8, Top foods that feed disease in our body
If a micro organism enters, our body, it needs food to survive, if you supply its food, it will grow and begin sharing nutrients with you until it takes the upper hand to the point of starving you the host of nutrients leading to death of the person, but if we have this knowldge, the moment you sense an infection is present in your body, you feed it by consuming these foods:
Processed foods.
Foods and drinks high in sugar.
Refined carbohydrates.
Alcoholic beverages
Transfats and animal proteins like milk
9. Simple Ways to Boost Your Body's Natural Defenses
Here are simple ways and habits to help boost your body's Natural defence and avoid infections.
Get enough sleep.
Sleep and immunity are closely tied.
Eat more whole plant foods.
Eat more healthy fats. Like cold pressed coconut oil, olive, peanuts, walnuts and avocadoes oil
Eat more fermented foods, like millet pap, iru yoghurt.
Limit added sugars.
Engage in moderate exercise.
Stay hydrated. Water therapy is our culture
Manage your stress levels.
Include vitamin C rich foods like lemon and other citrus
Include sufficient daily protein. Protein is the building block
Include foods with antibacterial and antiviral properties daily, such as honey, garlic ginger, cloves and peppers
10. Foods that cause mucus and Foods that reduce mucus
Mucus is part of our body's defense. The body produce its mucus naturally, however when mucus is too much due to the consumption of certain foods, microbes take advantage of it. Here are some top foods that encourage excessive mucus:
Red meat
Ice Cream
Corn and corn products
Soy products
Sweet desserts
Alcoholic beverages
So what’s left to eat?
Foods That Reduce Mucus
While it may seem like you can’t eat anything because all of the major food groups have already been wiped out, there are actually some foods left that have the ability to reduce your mucus production.
Here are 21 of them:
Pumpkin seeds
Honey or agar
Cayenne pepper
Olive oil
Decaf tea
If you or a love
11. How to stay safe during this pandemic.
We know that safety is of the lord but as Law abiding citizens, we must follow and abide by all safety tips in addition to trusting God to keep us.
Here are some safety tips to help stay free from infection during this pandemic.
Firstly, we must note that there are several other viral infections including Sars, but the latest among the virus is Coronavirus, which is said to be founded in 2019, the reason, it is cod named Covid-19. As a general rule, all viral infections have similar symptoms, such as flu, and Coronavirus is one of them with similar symptoms.
Here are some popular tips you should observe:
Wash your hands frequently;
Avoid/reduce touching your eyes, nose or mouth;
Avoid eating raw meat and unnecessary contact with wild animals;
Thoroughly cook meat and eggs;
Avoid close contact with anyone with flu-like symptoms;
If you develop a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, there are remedies and herbs with antiviral properties you can try at home, but if symptoms persist after three days, or one week, better to seek medical attention
Include herbs that reduces mucus like onions, garlic, Tumeric, ginger in your daily diet, excess mucus will feed a viral infection and make the organism more powerful against the host. We already listed the foods that cause excess mucus production
Take particular precaution while travelling.
Use nose mask in large crowds
Maintain simple hygiene while at home.
12. Common Antiviral foods
This is known to have powerful antiviral qualities and commonly added to teas, extracts, and tinctures meant to naturally treat viral infections.
Its leaves and essential oils contain active components, including menthol and rosmarinic acid, which have antiviral and anti-inflammatory activity
Basil has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that can help fight several viral infections. A study revealed that basil contains compounds like apigenin and ursolic acid, which is effective on herpes, hepatitis B and enterovirus.
The main compound of fennel seeds is trans-anethole, which is found to be quiet effective against herpes viruses. The small seeds also boost your immunity and decrease inflammation in the body.
Garlic is a superfood and is used for preparing medicines for various health conditions. Studies suggest that garlic can be effective against influenza A and B, HIV, HSV-1, viral pneumonia, and rhinovirus.
Other antiviral foods include:
Lemon balm
Cold pressed coconut
and many other common and uncommon foods.
13. Healthy Body All the way
This is a shot piece on a few of my secrets and how I have remained healthy since 2012,till date without any dose of antibiotics despite that I could not stay one or two months without taking typhoid or malaria drugs. To God be the Glory, all that is history now. Here are some of my daily living habits to beat infections.
1. Water therapy
Water therapy is our culture and for over ten yrs, have been observing it with my entire family. A simple secret to healing and restoring healthy body
2. Regular consumption of raw garlic and honey on empty stomach, it is one of my strongest natural antibiotics against many ailments, including viral infections.
3. Occasional bitters like bitterleaf, bitter cola, coffee, cocoa, pawpaw leafs tea and all bitter foods are part of my regular foods to control sugar, high blood sugar is a feeder of disease
4. More liquids especially in the morning. Teas like cocoa, ginger and tumeric, Cinnamon and blackseeds. Honey is an everyday addition to any chosen tea each morning. These are all anti inflammatory. Occasionally, oats and millet are part of the breakfast with nuts.
5 Manage Stress
Stress affects almost everyone, women, old and young. For me, I have seen the extreme side of stress. Comes with insomnia that persist for several days with not even one hour of sleep. Now I try to avoid/reduce foods that makes my stress level high, like sugar, bread, starchy foods and go for bananas, with cashews, cucumbers helps fight inflammations that comes with extreme stress. So I include it in moderation. If stress is not managed properly, it is the worst enemy of our immune which opens door for infections. So I am mindful of this.
6. Include Green veggies especially
seasonal veggies like waterleaf, okro, etc in my daily diet especially evening meals, they are healing foods. I try to include antibacterial spices in my daily meal. It helps fight infections, and reduce yeast activity.
7. Fresh Foods daily
This will shock you, but it's true fans, My family members only can testify to this. It is stressfull and appears a bit expensive, but one way to avoid infections and stay healthy all year round is that only me🙄 cooks my meals and that of my family till date, zTrh reduce cooking plenty soups and stocking in fridge as much as possible. Some even cook beans too. it is not surprising we do not visit hospital for several years now. It is our secret. Our ancestors practiced it and lived to ripe old age. It's all to the praise of the Almighty God.
8, Include Raw Foods
Each time we eat cooked foods more digestive enzymes are released to digest these food. One of the hardest job our body does, is digestion. If only we can supply ready foods in liquid raw form. Our immune will be stronger. So I ensure to include at least two raw foods daily. it could be citrus, cucumber, limes, garden egg, avocadoes, coconuts, etc. These are ready foods and fully utilized when consumed and helps preserve these enzymes too. So it's one of my secret. I also try not to overdo it because of thyroid health. Too much raw foods affects thyroid and can lead to goitre.
9. Moderate exercise
Though my work of writing, blogging requires sitting, I am always mindful of this and therefore try standing up and moving or doing something else intermittently. It is one secret to my wellness all the way.
10. Fermented foods
Absence of fermented foods in our regular diet is the reason typhoid goes and keeps coming back with its cousin malaria🙄. I try to include iru, daily, take fermented millet occasionally like twice or once in a week. Sometimes it could be up to three times especially when constipation comes.
11 Daily Protein
I love bread😜 yes you heard me, it is acidic and inflammatory. But I find a way to add my own fortification. Though my bread is usually fortified bread, but bs, blackseed and honey, boiled egg, but I take just a bit or slice these days because of my blood sugar, Cinnamon and honey and other yeast fighting foods usually accompany my bread during breakfast. Even if you give me any other food in the morning. I will still ask for hot water and tea in the morning, who else does this? To be continued